torsdag den 19. september 2013

Inspiration: Bianco Boots 2013

Light ankel Boots/Sita Ankle Boot  Bordeaux Ankel Boots/Block Boot  Black Boot with silver details/Bellis Leather Boot  Black boots with gold details/Bene Leather Boot  Beige Boots/Bianco
  High Heeled Black Boots/Bianco  Black Boots with Zipper/Bianco  Rocky Black Boots/Bianco

Her er lidt mere inspiration til jer, omkring efterårets støvler  Tidligere fik i disse sko/støvler til inspiration. Nu får I så en omgang fra Bianco, noget som I bare er nød til at eje?

Love Line,


Here is some more inspiration for you about autumn boots. Earlier I showed you these shoes/boots for inspiration. Now you get some from Bianco, anything you just need to have?

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